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Montego's History Lesson

Somalia's Independence Day - Montego's Food Market

Somalia's Independence Day

Democratic Republic of Somalia Independence Day, 1st July 1960: Achieved independence through the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. The Somali Youth League and other nationalist movements played a significant role in the struggle for independence, culminating in the formation of the Somali Republic.
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Juneteenth: Montegos History Lessons: Celebrating the Global Struggles for Freedom and Independence - Montego's Food Market

Juneteenth: Montegos History Lessons: Celebrating the Global Struggles for Freedom and Independence

Juneteenth, a day commemorating freedom and liberation, holds significant historical importance not only for African Americans but also for the global community. It serves as a reminder of the interconnected struggles against colonialism and slavery that various African and Caribbean nations faced while under British control.
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